Nozzleman Pizza

Honoring our firefighters, one pizza at a time.

Franchise Information

Own a Nozzleman Pizza Franchise located Inside of a Walmart Store ​

Nozzleman Pizza is offering quick serve restaurant (QSR) franchises that are located inside of Walmart retail stores across America.  There are many huge and unique benefits when owning a Nozzleman Pizza QSR located inside of a Walmart location:

• Guaranteed daily customer foot traffic (Walmart daily foot traffic is in the thousands)
• Little or no need to spend money on advertising because of the huge amount of daily foot traffic
• Low startup costs. Most future Walmart Nozzleman Pizza locations already have existing restaurant improvements
• Very reasonable lease rates
• Simple menu with reasonably priced quality food items
• No quick serve restaurant (QSR) experience necessary. We will train you
• Each Nozzleman Pizza pizzeria has an interactive firefighter theme and is fun for kids
• Help support local firefighting communities
• Help support the RennerVation Foundation–actor Jeremy Renner’s foundation which supports local special needs and foster children communities
• The one time franchise fee is $29,000. We offer first responder and military franchise fee discounts (active or retired)
• Be your own boss and own a fun and awesome quick serve pizzeria inside of America’s largest retailer
• Come join our family and be part of a young and emerging national brand

    Upon receipt of this inquiry, you will be contacted shortly by a representative of Nozzleman Pizza.
